The waiting game is over and we have two lovely female cria, one black, one white. The gestation times for these little ladies were 363 and 366 days. The wait was far too long and particularly concerning since the temperatures were in the nineties with high humidity. In these conditions you have to keep a close eye on the females and check on them multiple times during the day. Fortunately, both crias were healthy and the moms had plenty of milk. Both babies were standing soon after birth and the quest for the milk bar did not take too long. Sometimes it can be very frustrating to see how long it takes for the cria to start nursing.
Besides being delighted to have female cria we were also pleased with our bay black baby. Her sire is our young herdsire, a Majestic Peruvian Jeremiah grandson who is white with a dark fawn spot on his neck. We bred him to a dark fawn female with black in her background hoping that we would not get a white offspring. For once we got what we wanted although we are always thankful to have a healthy baby no matter the sex or color!