In our alpaca library you will find articles on many aspects of the alpaca livestock business. Check back often for new additions.
Your Best Friend – Your Alpaca Veterinarian
Finding a good alpaca veterinarian is a top priority for your alpaca farm. As you become more experienced in handling your animals and dealing with day to day issues, there will be many things that [...]
Blending alpaca with other fibers
I love when my alpaca fiber comes back from the mill. It really is 'Christmas in August'! I use Shepherd's Mill in Phillipsburg, Kansas and have done for many years now. Sally Brandon and her [...]
Preparing alpaca fiber for the mill.
You've made the decision to send your alpaca fiber to a mill for processing. Now what? How do you prepare it for the mill? Carefully unroll your noodled fleece on the skirting table. Now you [...]
Heat and alpacas in late pregnancy
Summer in Kansas is hot and humid. Winter is cold. When choosing breeding dates for alpacas, we have to consider the weather. The ideal spring time frame for delivery is April and May and for [...]